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Price Match

Price Match Guarantee

We always aim to have the best prices available on our store. This is our guarantee to you!

If you (somehow) find another online store with a lower list price than us please let us know, simply email us with a link to the same product on a competitor's website.

Once we have a chance to verify the pricing, we will match or beat the price you found. No questions asked!

Please note that the price must be a comparative total price, Including shipping and vat.

If you have already purchased, please let us know within 48 hours of purchase - Offers can vary suddenly.

What we can't price match..

We get it, We all want the best deal, but sometimes they can be too good to be true. So Sadly there are a few exceptions to what we can't price match against:

  • Online Market places (Eg. Amazon, eBay)
  • Vouchers and discount codes - Some provide discount codes and the after care and customer service is... not to be found. Whilst we do run discount codes, we pride ourselves on keeping the customer happy with great prices, but even greater customer service.
  • Offers and bundles.
  • Pricing errors - Yup, we've seen it - Another store has a pricing error, but we can't match. Sorry folks.
  • Whilst we want to provide the best value and experience, we reserve the right reject price match claims if they mean making a loss.  (This normally occurs with pricing errors of competitors).